The Cheshire and Merseyside Cancer Alliance will be undertaking a mapping and gap analysis across Cheshire and Merseyside to understand the provision of pre-habilitation services and physical activity services that support people across the whole cancer pathway. The purpose of this mapping is to identify common themes, gaps, opportunities and priority areas which will support the development of co-produced improvement plans, and this work has been directed to all Cancer Alliances nationally by NHS England to undertake as part of 2024/25 mandatory work.
We would encourage all partners to share this survey link for completion by the 23rd August.
The Cancer Alliance will provide a mapping and gap analysis report based on the information that services provide. This report will illustrate key themes which will support phase two of this work. In phase two, the Cancer Alliance will be engaging with key stakeholders who will help to shape the development of co-produced local improvement plan(s) – this will include patients and public voices. They would welcome partner involvement in phase two as the co-produced plans may help and support local decisions in the future.
Tanya Mulvey, Transformation Manager (Treatment and Care Team) at the Cheshire and Merseyside Cancer Alliance is leading this piece of work, and any further questions can be directed to
n.b. Please note that due to the wide distribution of this survey, it could be possible that more than one person in your organisation will have received this email. We only require one completed survey per service / organisation and would appreciate your support in co-ordinating one response to avoid duplication and effort.