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DCMS Get Active

Get Active: a strategy for the future of sport and physical activity by Department for Culture, Media and Sport (August 2023) Find out more


Wirral Plan

The new Wirral Plan focuses on making the borough amore equitable and fairer place to live, work and visit. It is a direct result of what our residents, businesses and partners have told us. Find out more


Creating an Active Wirral (2021-26)

This strategy, along with the Wirral Plan 2026, sets out our ambitious plan to provide opportunities that help our residents to live happy, healthy, independent and active lifestyles. It also seeks to balance our position as a provider of facilities with tackling inequality through preventative, outreach and early intervention work. Also, see the Be Part of Movement website ( to find out more about being involved in the strategy. Find out more



Warrington has a population of 209,397 people. The graphic uses statistics from Public Health England to show how many people in Warrington would have certain health conditions if it was a village of just 100 people Find out more


St Helens People Plan (Place Plan)

This plan details the strategic approach to improving the health and wellbeing outcomes of residents of the borough, providing high quality services the meet local needs, whilst also moving towards financial sustainability of health and care services. It is the blueprint for the health and social care system in St Helens for the next five years, and supports the development and delivery of the Borough Strategy, the Liverpool City Region and the Cheshire and Merseyside Integrated Care System. Find out more


St Helens Active Lives (2022-27)

To work in partnership to increase levels of physical activity cross the whole population of St Helens borough, whilst maximising opportunities for people experiencing inequality to participate in activities. Find out more


Sefton 2020-25 Sefton Health and Wellbeing Strategy

'Living Well in Sefton 2020-2025' is our new Health and Wellbeing Strategy, and the vision we are working towards is that Sefton will be: 'A confident and connected borough that offers the things we all need to start, live and age well. where everyone has a fair chance of a positive healthier future'. Find out more


One Liverpool Strategy

One Liverpool is a whole-system strategy, setting out what partners will do together over the next five years for better population health and wellbeing in Liverpool. Find out more


Knowsley 2030 Strategy

The strategy focuses on five strategic outcomes which set out that, by 2030, Knowsley will be a place where strong and safe communities can shape their future; where people are active and healthy, and have access to the support they need; where people of all ages are confident and can achieve their full potential; with a thriving, inclusive economy with opportunities for people and business; and wih welcoming, vibrant, well-connected neigbourhoods and town centres. Find out more


One Halton Place Based Plan

This One Halton Plan is building on our One Halton Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2017 – 2022, it will show our achievements to date as well as demonstrating the MUST DO’s as part of the NHS Long Term Plan. Find out more


Cheshire West Place Plan

The council and the local NHS have developed an exciting new plan for residents' health and wellbeing. The Place Plan represents our vision for the next five years, highlighting how people can maximise their own health and wellbeing as well as how services can be improved. Find out more


Cheshire East Partnership Five Year Plan

The Cheshire East Partnership i an alliance of parners working together to improve the health and wellbeing of the residents of the Cheshire East local authority area. The Five Year Plan sets out what we want to do, why we want to do it and the difference we believable e can make to the health and wellbeing of local residents. Find out more


Champs Workforce Development

Population Health and Prevention Workforce Development Programme- To maximise public health skills across health, care and public health workforces for the promotion of health improvement and behaviour change in ways that address health inequalities for the Cheshire and Merseyside population Find out more


All Together Fairer

All Together Fairer is Cheshire and Merseyside's collaborative approach to reducing health inequalities in the subregion, informed by the country's leading voice on health inequalities, Professor Sir Michael Marmot. Find out more